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Reclaim Your Energy: Managing Burnout and Emotional Exhaustion in Life and Work

Acquire practical skills to better manage burnout and emotional exhaustion by harnessing your emotional energy intelligence.

Terry Trafton

At times do you feel a lack of energy, dread daily tasks, and struggle to function well in life and work? You might be experiencing stress, burnout, or disengagement. Experiencing pressure in your personal and professional life can create an unproductive cycle, regardless of your job or career stage.

Emotional exhaustion is a challenge that can be overcome by addressing root causes and symptoms. Guided and coached by expert instructor Terry Trafton, you will acquire practical skills to help you meet personal and professional expectations and become better equipped to manage burnout and emotional exhaustion.

Energy impacts our emotions. Start taking emotional intelligence to the next level by harnessing your emotional energy intelligence!

Event is eligible for 1.5 SHRM credits.

Key Takeaways Include:

  • Identify what energizes and drains you.
  • Increase self-awareness of your emotions and energy.
  • Take control of your daily schedule to create and adopt new habits to reach desired goals.
  • Learn how to apply techniques that help prevent burnout.
  • Apply practical strategies that help foster trust, nurture collaboration, and spark innovation.